the body relaxed feeling

Biofeedback is a state-of-the-art technology, to achieve relaxation, controlling stress response and modify the body's reaction. It uses certain monitoring equipment, and to extract information from the human body. This device can measure the heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, muscle tension, gastric acid inside the body and other biological functions. Wushu Biofeedback . This stress management technique uses passive concentration and awareness, the body relaxed feeling. Doctors use autogenic training as part of the treatment of many diseases. In this technique, a focus on the different feeling in the different organs of the body through repeated self "formula". These feel warm heaviness. Progressive muscle relaxation You can also use progressive muscle relaxation to achieve mental relaxation through physical relaxation. It relates to the continuous tightening and loosening of the muscle groups. In this technique, you first need a group of muscles tense up and shrink them as much as possible. Then relax the muscles, a few seconds after the normal. You should relax as much as possible of the muscle. The practice of martial arts is a great stress management techniques. It maintains a strong physique and mentally alert. There are several martial arts, people can take. Tai Chi is a Chinese martial arts, is commonly referred to as "meditation motion. It stressed the accuracy and strength. The movement of the body is soft and flowing. Autogenic Training