When you open, you begin to hair loss

# 1 stress and lifestyle Fast, hurried lifestyles today, so many Compromise your eating habits. Emotional turmoil may lead to Health complications adversely affected The quality of your hair. Lack of the scalp clean and Dandruff problem may also lead to hair loss. You usually do not end their lives, the same bunch of hair When you grow up, when you were born. Different eyes Continuous regeneration or nose, your hair, shedding and Growing. # 2 hormone imbalance The growth and health of the hair depends on the hormones, such as thyroid And pituitary. Any disease in these glands can Cause hair loss. An integral part of the excess of one The male hormone -, DHT can also cause hair loss. This is a Genetic predisposition. . When you open, you begin to hair loss. This When you turn 50 to start the natural process of aging. However, the For some people, the process starts much earlier. This This paper discusses the various causes of hair loss, male and Women. Unfortunate effect of inherited causes of hair loss Have a family history of premature baldness. In men, it is referred to as Male pattern baldness, hair began to recede The first time in a typical "M"-shaped temple. In women, Known as male pattern baldness. This is not common. It Starts at 30 years old, and is characterized by integral thinned Hair. # 3 genetic factors